Do you know for 100% sure that you are on your way to heaven? The Bible says it is possible to know for sure in 1 John 5:13, because salvation is not based on how good we are or how good of a life we live. A person is saved when they first HEAR and then BELIEVE certain things about Jesus Christ from the Bible. Click below to find out what those things are.


A list of topical articles on commonly asked questions and other Biblical topics.


  • October 16, 2024  Basically rooted out all documentaries and sermons of the "New IFB" in light of recent abuse scandal.  Focus henceforth is the gospel.
  • January 21, 2021  It has been a busy year with COVID and several personal struggles, but am finally updating this website.  I relinked my own uploads of Bible documentaries.  All of the soundcloud playlists I made have disappeared so I'm debating on whether or not I am going to try and upload them another way or just do away with them.  So a lot of the preaching pages look empty for now.  
  • December 26-28, 2019  Continuing to rework text pages.  Added and updated 'hell' page. Uploaded more audio sermons, and updated the directory.
  • December 19, 2019  Added a Spanish gospel button to Home Page, and continuing to clean up old pages.  Added new sermons to the "eternal security" page and updated a few of the soundcloud playlists. 
  • December 10  2019:  After a few years of inattention, I am finally updating this website.  I have updated the "get saved now" page, and pray it is a blessing in both reaching people and helping people with their own personal soul winning. I am going through and updating all my old pages so that they look cleaner, and editing them.  I have added some sermons to the main sermon index,  "easy believism" and "James 2" pages, as well as adding a new page  "spanking" which is a topic I feel God has put on my heart.  I have updated the audio/video library with more Bible documentaries.  I am trying to reupload all the documentaries to another video hosting site to get away from youtube's continued censorship.  
  • June 2016: rebuilt entire website using a mobile friendly web design software.  Added the entire audio/video section.  Reworked all of the text pages.
  • This humble little web site started in 2012, using a word processor to make text pages.  I hope the information and preaching I have here is a blessing to everyone.   I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to share the things that matter most to me with others! is a free website with information on the gospel and christian living.  The creator is a Bible believing christian who faithfully attends a Baptist church, and has been saved since 1994.  I am married with two believing children, and have read the Bible through cover to cover several times in those years, as well as having won hundreds of people to Christ through door to door and personal soul winning.   If this website is a blessing to you, please pray for me and my ministry.  My biggest ministry is weekly door to door soul winning.   I also have a couple of YouTube channels, and this little website where I have shared some of what I have learned as a Christian, and provided some backup for some of my favorite sermons.   This is a very small part of my Christian life, but this web page gets thousands of hits every month, so I keep it up and try to keep it current when time allows.